Book now at Trinity Residence Hotel for your holiday in Bansko.
Flexible policies tailored to your requirements!
We offer extremely flexible booking conditions. You do not need to pay for your stay or part of the stay in advance. Pay directly at the reception during your stay at the hotel. There are no cancellation fees, even if you call us to cancel your reservation that day.
How to book Trinity Residence Hotel, Bansko
Make a reservation with one click from our reservation system, entirely on-line, without having to contact us. At the email you specified, we will send you a booking confirmation.
If you wish, you can also contact us by sending us an inquiry. Filling in the inquiry form will take you no more than 1 minute. Within the working day of an email you have specified, we will send the most suitable offer according to your request. You can fill in the enquiry form here:
Any of the booking options you choose are not subject to advance payment. The services used can be paid for your stay at the hotel in cash or by card. Book your hotel in Bansko!